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COMMISSIONS – 4 ways to earn
    • Can earn commission on property you purchase
    • Can earn commission nationwide in any state if you are licensed in one
    • Can supplement your current income with monthly or quarterly sales
    • Can save huge commissions when selling your own property
INVESTMENT PROPERTY – get property sooner
    • Can be notified about property before something is put on the market
    • Can have access to a network of investors looking to buy and sell
DATA – gain data on your own
    • Have access to insightful reports that illustrate local trends
    • Have access to solds and their history reports
    • Have access to the Expired Listings (to buy these or list these or for your buyer)
THE PERCEIVED DOWNSIDE – real estate is not what it used to be

There are many people that have often thought they would love to get into real estate. However, people are often apprehensive because they feel like they have to work weekends, learn legal terms, negotiate building inspections and deal with appraisers. That’s how it used to be.

COLLABORATIVE AGENTS – How part-time agents can make it in real estate

Over the decades, agents have been known as SOLO PRODUCERS. In this example, everybody has to learn everything about real estate. Now things have changed. There are options for new agents. While some agents still prefer to be solo, many agents are entering “Collaborate Agreements” and sharing responsibilities.

This approach allows part-time agents, or newer agents to focus on the smaller aspects of the business. Thereby earning commissions more often and actually having longevity in this business. Collaborative Agents focus on the sales side, while their Collaborative Partner works on the transaction management side.

When an agent enters into this agreement, later, when they are ready, there is a “Launch Program” to learn many of the other aspects of the business (leading a team, resolving inspections, negotiating sale contracts, addressing title disputes, survey boundary issues, etc)


Yes, you can do this part-time.
Yes, if you choose to make it your primary source of income you can earn more than your current profession.
Yes, you can work Solo or you can build a team.


If yes, just fill out this section below and we will set up a conversation with you. We will share with you both the up and down sides. We have amazing success stories.

16253 Swingley Ridge Road, Suite 400, Chesterfield, MO 63017. (800) 457.2357. NMLS #138063. This is for informational purposes only and not an offer to lend or extend credit. For more licensing information, please visit the NMLS Consumer Access page: A relationship exists between the listed companies; please request Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure for more details.

This is not financial advice. The numbers presented are estimates. There is no promise of future appreciation. Purchasers are encouraged to verify market appreciation on their own. We are not financial planners.