Buyer Matchmaker
- Did your listing recently expire and result in no sale?
- Are you presently selling For Sale By Owner?
- Is your property leased but you are receptive to selling it?
Listen to this short video.
Agents and Loan Officers often have a valuable portfolio of pre-approved buyers. Here is how you can participate.
DVA: Detailed Value Analysis
Before presenting a property to a purchaser, agents with the Buyer Matchmaker program gather the initial data to determine if the property is priced accurately based on 1) the Condition of the property 2) the Condition of the market
Secondly, the agent views the property, to observe the condition firsthand, and lastly, the agent completes the DVA to present to the Loan Officer and Agent Buyer portfolio in hopes we have a match for your property.

Your Loan Officer is a genius!
Agents focus on both listings and buyers, while the LO has just one objective, and that is to build a portfolio of buyers who are motivated to buy.
In the end, the LO and agent have the same goal as you do, and that is to get the property sold.
Zillow made a change that "hides" the By-Owner property
Recently Zillow created a separate marketing section for the By-Owner. To find your property, look under the MORE button.
Test out this theory. At Zillow, key in your property’s zip code. You will see that your property is not coming up, it is now hidden. But if you go to the MORE button, you will find the By-Owner properties. (If you key in your address, it will always come up, but not if you search by community or zip code, it will not be seen).
Solution: Reach out to local mortgage companies. They are eager for their pre-approved buyers to get under contract.
Solution: Contact a Buyer Matchmaker agent to discuss their DVA report.

Which buyer pool would your rather be in?

Success is Found in the Process
We have put together a comprehensive library of insights you will want to know when selling your home by yourself. Learn how to expand your marketing beyond Zillow to attract qualified buyers, screen out the annoying agents, negotiate for higher sale prices, and build trust with your potential buyer.